Wednesday, May 24, 2023

"‘How many crimes has your country committed in Iraq? How many crimes have everyone else who is so vocal today committed in Iraq and Afghanistan? Have you arrested them?’"

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Steve Falconer: Germ Theory Is Dead

Steve Falconer

So they'll just take that, make a genetic sequence out of all the parts, and make a cold vaccine.  A person with diarrhea.  They'll say that diarrhea is from a diarrhea virus.  They'll take the poop out of someone with diarrhea, rearrange all the genetic bits, make a computer model of a diarrhea sequence, and now you've got a diarrhea vaccine.  --Steve Falconer

this is why there's a fight between the "No virus" camp and the Peter McCullough & Robert Kennedy, Jr. camp.  Our camp is saying because they're going to pull this crap, it's vital right now that there isn't a virus because the new technology just assumes there is.  And once they go to that new technology, we can't get this back.   --Steve Falconer 

4:00  Deep Metagenomic Sequencing.  Don't know what that is.  

Genomic Conference, 2006, [however, it should be stated Computational Genomics] and genomic professors in the world learned that genomes are a fraud.  They're not static; they change every millisecond of the day compared to what's going on around them.  And therefore, therefore, we've got a can of worms.  It's not just these viruses, and PCR tests, we're talking about paternity tests, we're talking about criminals getting out of jail now that we went back and did DNA testing.  Everything we believed about genomics is wrong, and they didn't tell the public because they were getting new grants for their new types of genomic sequencing.  So they found out that the Human Genome Project, your relatives you send "I want to know who I am related to," meaning, BS all of it, and they didn't tell the public because they were trying to get into a new kind of genomics and get their research grants.  So we need to talk about that.  Everything we know about genetics is wrong.  

5:05  Germ Theory is dead.  

Germ Theory has been dead for a long time, but there's a group of people making trillions of dollars pretending that it isn't dead.  Just like . . . "there's a World Cup going on in Qatar and now there's a camel virus."  Get the hell out of here, there's a camel virus.  No one is even around a camel; they're out in the desert.  They just keep that this is happening, and this is happening, and everyone else has been saying, "No, it's not happening," but they don't care that it's dead.  They just care that the average person doesn't hear that information.  Just like the genomic: it doesn't matter if the genomes are BS as long as the average person still believes what we were all taught about the genomes.  And that's what's going on with Germ Theory.  If we don't nip this in the bud right now, they don't care that their test tubes and Petrie dishes and all that are crap, because they're going to do a new thing right now, which is not going to use test tubes and Petrie dishes any more.  And this is what's dangerous: we're saying that your old way didn't prove that there are viruses, and we disproved your old way.  What they're doing is saying that it's now a given that there are viruses, that our old way DID prove it.  

And we're saying, "No, you didn't."  

"Yes, we did."  

Now, they're saying, "We're not even going to do these cell cultures anymore.  We're going to say, as the mainstream has been saying for 50 years, "We don't know what causes the common cold." 

Now what they're going to do is take a person with the common cold, they're going to take their boogers and take the sequences in their boogers AND MAKE A COMMON COLD VIRUS JUST OUT OF THIN AIR like they've been doing, but they won't have to prove that there IS a common cold virus because it's a given that there are viruses.  Remarkable.  

So they'll just take that, make a genetic sequence out of all the parts, and make a cold vaccine.  A person with diarrhea.  They'll say that diarrhea is from a diarrhea virus.  They'll take the poop out of someone with diarrhea, rearrange all the genetic bits, make a computer model of a diarrhea sequence, and now you've got a diarrhea vaccine.  

Take a heartbreak.  Turns out it's contagious.  Take a heartbroken person, take their spit, take their heartbroken genetic sequence, and create a vaccine from it.  And they're saying that there's going to be 500 new vaccines in 5 years.  So this is the problem we're having.  We're saying, "You didn't establish your old way, that there is a virus, that they exist," and they're saying that "We're not even going to use the old way.  We're just going to use the new way, which just assumes there is" and use this new way of making sequences . . . this is why there's a fight between the "No virus" camp and the Peter McCullough & Robert Kennedy, Jr. camp.  Our camp is saying because they're going to pull this crap, it's vital right now that there isn't a virus because the new technology just assumes there is.  And once they go to that new technology, we can't get this back.  

Alright, here's the basics of it: 

Louis Pasteur made up this theory that . . . they used to think that bacteria made up disease, because when you died of scarlet fever or any of these diseases, in the corpse they would find the bacteria in the lungs, for instance, if you died of pneumonia or scarlet fever or anything like that.  They assumed that because the bacteria were in the tissue that the bacteria killed you.  That's what they thought like the bacteria is the reason you died.  But the weird thing is they used to find bacteria in the lungs of someone who didn't die of scarlet fever that was sometimes there.  Or if you didn't die of scarlet fever, you didn't have those kinds of bacteria.  So if they are the cause of death, they have to always be there or never be there.  Then Pasteur said, no, no, no.  It's not these bacteria.  It's these particles called viruses, and you can breathe them in, spit them out, and they go around and kill everyone.  Now they didn't have the microscope technology to see viruses, so this was purely fictional.  And Pasteur admitted in his diary what he was doing because he said he had antidotes for these viruses.  So he was going around to these county fairs where the farmers would bring their animals and then he would inject poison into some of the animals and then he would inject water with salt, a saline solution into the others.  And he would say that I've given all of them my virus, this virus.  But the saline solution water that I injected into this animal was the vaccine, the antidote.  And the ones he injected with poison would die because he was filling a 1/3 of these animals' and dogs' brains with a poisonous fluid, and he'd go, "Ooh! They died because of the virus."  The problem is everybody said, okay, that's cool but we couldn't see a virus . . . they're like nothing . . . 150 nanometers, like .00555 of a milliliter.  Well, everyone just assumed, yeah, that's cool.  Well, later, 1931, we got the electron microscope. Now we can see viruses, we can see that small.  The problem is they couldn't see them.  They never to this day never found a virus inside of a person, an animal, nature, from the lung fluid, or natural, anything.  Or the animal from the blood, the sputum, they've never 

Journalists who spread CIA conspiracy theories get promoted, and journalists who question the CIA get destroyed

"Let's remember that the journalist who did the most to convince Americans of the vital lie that Saddam Hussein had an alliance with Al-Qaeda and therefore led 70% of Americans to believe the lie that Saddam Hussein participated in the planning of the 9/11 attacks was named Jeffrey Goldberg . . . .

He did that in two articles that even won journalism awards. He was put on NPR and every Sunday show to spread this lie... Jeffrey Goldberg did more to spread the false conspiracy theory that led to the Iraq War. He also became ground zero for every Russia Gate fraud, and of course, Jeffrey Goldberg is not expelled from the mainstream media. He's not writing at Substack. He's the editor-in-chief of The Atlantic. He was rewarded with that position as a result of the lying he did on behalf of the U.S. security state... Journalists who spread CIA conspiracy theories get promoted, and journalists who question the CIA get destroyed.

Dave Collum on the October 2017 Las Vegas Shooting

Crisis actors are nothing new, and by new I mean that I've seen them since the 1963 JFK assassination, the 1965 Malcolm X assassination, the 1968 Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination, the 1968 Robert F. Kennedy assassination, the 2012 Aurora, Colorado shooting, the 2014 Sandyhook shooting, the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, and beyond.  

Mike Cronk

Trauma surgeons were picking up on the problem.

25:33  YouTube videos started disappearing like crazy.

Mike Kronk, is a bearded Alaskan hick.  The hunter narrative created by ABC News grows a short leg.  

26:00  The other character was Sheriff Joe Lombardo from Clark County who said that it had to be multiple shooters, and by the next day, he said it was a single shooter.  That turns out to be the property of all the mass shootings, the mass killings where the guy on the street, right on the spot, tells the story about multiple shooters, by the next day it's one drug-addled teenager.  

28:50  Sheriff Joe Lombardo makes an appeal to the audience, presumably the press and media, that if you have any video, please "Anybody that may have cellphone video or any type of video associated with this event that would be of benefit to the investigation, please, respond to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department headquarters at 400 South Martin Luther King, and we will take custody of that video.  So if you have it, and you evaluate it and think it will be of benefit to the investigation, please bring that down to the headquarters.  Standing with me is Special Agent of the FBI, Aaron Rouse.  Ah, he is assisting with the investigation, which is ongoing, and then we have Fire Chief, Greg Castle from Clark County Fire [who retired in 2020], and they are assisting with all of the victims.  Now, as far as the number of victims, I cannot give you an accurate number at this point.  We have well in excess of 100 plus injured and well in excess of 20 plus dead.  So we will get those numbers to you as accurately as soon as we can.  But please bare with us.  This is an ongoing investigation, but we are comfortable that the primary aggressor in this event has expired or passed away and is no longer a threat.  There've been multiple, multiple phone calls with accusations or conjecture coming through social media that there are multiple shooters at other resorts.  That has been proven to be false.  Additionally, there's been accusations or beliefs that there are some explosives going off--that is also false.  The only explosives contained in this event were from our SWAT Team breaching the room.  So, please, we are pretty confident that there is no longer a threat other than we are attempting to locate the person of interest.  . . . As you can imagine, it just happened."  30:54 

Odd, because he sounds quite versed in managing narratives surrounding controversial investigations.  But who am I to take note of an unusual narrative style?  

MK ULTRA.  References Stephen Kinzer's book, Poisner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control, 2020.  They've been tied to Manson.  They've been tied to Jack Ruby killing Oswald. They've been tied to the Oklahoma City bomber.  They've been tied to Ted Kazinski.  I don't think that Kazinski was a failure of the program.  I think he was an experiment.  

Even famous people, David French, Tucker Carlson, and Ann Coulter were all calling baloney it, saying there is something so wrong with this story.  How the guy got 23 sophisticated killing machines that were not the kind "could buy from Walmart into his hotel room, supposed he was there for 3 or 4 days.  Steve Wynn said there was no chance you can let a guy have weapons in his room for three or four days because the would never leave a hotel room unintended.  You can put "Do Not Disturb" all you want, but they're going to peak in that room.  Because, you know, rotting carcasses are not good for business.  So they will not let a room be attended and unchecked on for 4 days.  

33:00  From all the footage, it was clear that there were shooters everywhere.  And it had all the pieces that were strangely unexplainable, like after the shooting out of 20,000 people, nine more people died mysteriously.  During the shooting, there was that crazy woman walking around the crowd saying "You're all going to die in 45 minutes."  So here is where you and I kind of connect yet and that is that you've got this Saudi assassination plot, which I think is a good one, and the helicopter . . . I missed the helicopter story until after October, so I wrote about it in my annual review.  So I had some time to 

Too much for angry "Diet Heart" proponents in Finland, his book, The Cholesterol Myth, was set afire on live TV

The Cholesterol Myth: Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease, Uffe Ravnskov, 1991.