Thursday, August 28, 2014


I have recommended olive oil as a healthful source of anti-oxidants, and to be sure it does have anti-oxidant abilities.  This is not an anecdotal report, but the antioxidant content of olive oil is measurable.  It is measured in ORAC, Oxygenated Radical Absorbancy Capacity.  The first person I ever heard report on ORAC values or the ORAC values of olive oil was Dr. Barry Sears, author and owner of the Zone Diet.  He claimed that extra virgin olive oil had 30,000 ORAC value.  Now I do not know in what form that olive oil measured such a high ORAC value, but checking the online database for ORAC values at, olive oil has a much smaller ORAC value than what Dr. Sears reported.  According to the site, olive oil has an ORAC value of 766 when prepared at home and with parsley.  When prepared at home and with basil, olive oil has an ORAC value of 684.  So I would love to know where he discovered that fact, if it is a fact, that olive oil has the highest ORAC value of any fruit or food.


The benefits of selenium start at the 12:45 mark with Dr. Schrauzer.

One report that Dr. Wallach mentions is the Flexner Report. What this report did was set standards by which medical schools and practicing doctors adhered to. If they didn't, then that school was forced to close and or was incorporated by another school as a department or a wing. 

Dr. Wallach also mentions and explains epigenetics, which according to Wikipedia ". . . is the study of changes in gene expression caused by certain base pairs in DNA or RNA being "turned off" or "turned on" again through chemical reaction."  Wallach argues that no disease is caused by genetics but rather by nutritional deficiencies.  He argues that it is impossible to be healthy on an adequate diet alone.   Therefore, according to Wallach, people need supplements.  His rationale for this claim?  He points to Thomas Edison's discovery of electricity and how that replaced wood as the source of fuel that had been around for thousands and thousands of years.  Once we went to electricity, we lost all the minerals that come with and from wood ash, dead wood, that crops used to soak up through their roots.  Then he points to the damming up of rivers.  Floods would leave silt that farmers would use that came from hundreds of miles away. Death and disease are quite expensive.  Much better to use supplements than to do surgery.  Those complaining about supplements are doctors and their industry.  

Wallach would not identify these.  He could not reduce adequate nutritional support down to ten.  What he did offer was an outline of the number of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and essential acids needed for optimal health.  Here is what he listed:
60 minerals
16 vitamins
12 amino acids
3 essential acids
A total of 90 nutrients.
Calcium deficiency alone, he claims, gives us 147 diseases.  Wow!

Two million British and Japanese soldiers died.  They didn't have cabbage or fresh fruit to eat.  They ate pork.  After 90 days at sea, they were getting sick, with poor teeth, diarrhea, etc.  Scurvy plagued navies for several hundred years.

Failed medical theory that said that germs would 4 humors are out of balance. 
. . . discovered germ theory.  Beriberi.
200mcg of Selenium

Supplementing with selenium, you can reduce prostate cancer by 69%, breast cancer by 82%, and other cancers by 462% by cooking meat less.  Jackson, Mississippi has the highest cancer rate because they fry a lot of their foods.  Rare earth elements are trace, trace, trace minerals.  Essential for maximizing DNA and gene health.  

Rheumatoid arthritis is two parts.  A combination of a bug, called mycoplasma, and a nutritional deficiency.  Just as you can kill syphilis, "a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete bacterium," in two weeks with penicillin, you can kill mycoplasma bacteria with minocycline, one of a series of tetracycline antibiotics.  But then you have to repair the damage produced by that bacteria using Healthy Bone & Joint Pack, which has all 90 essential nutrients plus secret sauce of supporting and promoting nature's repair of cartilage and ligaments, tendons, connective tissues joint capsules, discs between the vertebrae.  Gold shots only relieve symptoms, pain, and inflammation.  These don't kill the germ that causes arthritis and the result is that years later people need a joint replacement.  The medical industry can kill, infect, and injure people and still be in business.  

How important is exercise?  Wow!!  Dr. Wallach's answer--take the 90 essential nutrients.  He calls exercise a fatal disease.  He points to professional sports.  Says that the average life span of professional athletes is 62; for football players, it's 51.  No professional athlete lived to be 100.  AMA claimed that while running a man's chance of a mortal heart attack increases by 700% percent.  So, he argues, why would anybody want to run?  Says that you need to replace fluids.  Says that sweat is not water but a soup of everything floating around in your blood.  He makes a sports drink that has 100 nutrients, whereas commercial drinks have 2 to 4 nutrients.  Water alone will rehydrate you.  Muscle cramps, muscle tears.  Sudden heart death is caused by a mineral deficiency of selenium.  Ruptured aneurysms are caused by a deficiency of copper.  Most sports drinks have only sodium and chloride, i.e., salt.

Gummy vitamins.  How much does a growing child need?  They need more than a grown adult who is "maintaining" ourselves.  We want to maximize our potential for longevity and health.  Per pound of body weight, kids need more nutrients than adults do.  Food Chemistry Journals, baby formulas contain less than 25% of daily requirements.  And here he again points to the lack of wood ash and to the reduction in mineral-rich silt caused by damming up of rivers that remove floods and the beneficial minerals from rocks, streams, and lakes hundreds of miles away from cities and towns up in the mountains.

Main cause is due to monopoly.  Self-pleasing.  Rendered competition as quacks.  The insurance industry only pays them.  Any industry that can kill, injure, and poison its customers and still be in business month after month, year after year is an amazing industry.  They infect 2 million people in hospitals alone, of which 90,000 die.  There's no competition.  That's the main problem: no competition.  If countries were to do this to other nations, it would be an act of war.  

Supplement with 90 essential vitamins and do this religiously.  So his 90 essential vitamins come in a liquid form, which makes it very easy to overdose.  If a capful or a tablespoon is required and the drink is flavored and tasty, besides good sense and prudence what is to stop people from overdosing?  That is my one caveat.  As a disclaimer, I have never tried Dr. Wallach's product, not a one.  For this reason alone, I cannot recommend them.  From a logical standpoint, I see no reason why his vitamins would not benefit people as a maintenance protocol.

Problematic because it relies on a failed premise that the reason why America is sick is because Americans don't have access to doctors. 


Dr. Gary North reports on the CDC cover-up:

For 13 years, the U.S. government’s Centers for Disease Control covered up the fact of the increased risk for boys receiving the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccination on schedule.

It turns out that the risk is far worse for blacks.

One man inside the CDC blew the whistle. He is ashamed that he covered up.

I wonder if this will lead to Congressional hearings. I wonder if any heads will roll for the sake of appearances.

I do not wonder if the CDC’s budget will be cut. Not a chance.

This video is very good. It is well produced. It is horrifying.

Names mentioned in the video are Peter Buxtun, Dr. Coleen Boyle, Dr. Scott Montgomery, EPA Microbiologist Dr. David Lewis, Dr. Frank DeStefano, Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsop, and Detroit Attorney Allison Folmar who defended Maryanne Godboldo to protect her own child from state psychiatric harm.

Monday, September 8, 2014:  Congressman’s Office In Possession of 100,000 CDC Whistleblower Documents?
Here's the Ben Swann story: